

Reserve price Not met!

J8665 is assigned to this convertible Mini Cooper S Convertible. Under the bonnet is a 1.6-litre turbocharged engine producing around 170bhp, coupled with an automatic gearbox.

Auction expired without reaching reserve price


This Cooper S is equipped with a 1.6-litre turbocharged engine producing around 170 bhp and paired with an automatic gearbox. A great fun car to drive that will shift from 0-60 in just over 7 seconds.

The bodywork of this Mini is in overall good condition. The soft convertible roof has no rip or tears but along with the driver’s side electric window is not currently operational.

Last serviced in 2022 this Cooper S drives well and is used regularly, it’s covered 53,897 miles.

This auction description is, to the best of the seller’s knowledge, accurate and not misleading. During the listing process Hammer Price requests a range of details about the vehicle from the seller and performs a level of due diligence. However, bidders must be comfortable and satisfied as to the accuracy of the description before bidding. Please see our Terms and Conditions for full details.

Total Bids Placed:

Auction has expired

Auction expired without reaching reserve price

Highest bidder was: m*******s

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
m*******s 10 December 2023 16:22 £3,300.00
l************m 9 December 2023 17:18 £3,200.00
h*****o 6 December 2023 15:07 £3,100.00
c*****************m 5 December 2023 23:11 £3,000.00
b***s 5 December 2023 18:17 £2,000.00
h*****o 5 December 2023 09:01 £1,100.00
l************m 4 December 2023 07:49 £1,000.00
Auction started 3 December 2023 19:00

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Buyer's Premium 5% of Winning bid.
Minimum Premium £300
Maximum Premium £3,000

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